Our skills

UVC LED Source Design 

UVC optical radiation is part of the ultraviolet spectrum with wavelengths between 100 and 280 nanometers. It is very energetic and offers advantages for...

Product and component benchmark

The benchmark or comparative study of products and components is a strategic tool for a company’s competitiveness. Based on an objective comparison of technical...

Stray light

The phenomena of stray light (or flare) reduce the performance of optical imaging systems. It is necessary to identify their causes in order to...

Optical design

PISÉO has unique expertise in optical design and simulation, as well as the technical means necessary to offer innovative optical system solutions for products...

Analysis of international regulations and standards

Thanks to their involvement in the various standardization committees of AFNOR, CENELEC, and IEC, PISÉO experts participate in the drafting of standards and analysis...

LED light guide design

Used for display and signage applications, lighting solutions combining light guide and LED have become essential.Their ability to emphasize lines and create signatures make...

Optical system failure analysis

Optical/photonic systems integrate many electronic components and subsystems that can be sources of breakdowns and failures when they are poorly adapted to the conditions...