Unlike power electronic components, there are currently no digital LED twin models that allow simulations of the functioning of the systems integrating them. The use of such models would ostensibly reduce product development times and optimize them from a cost and performance point of view.
The 15 partners of the consortium, including PISEO, succeeded in demonstrating that it was possible to create digital optical-electric-thermal models of these components, and set up at the international level the normative bases (JDEC, CIE) which will allow LED manufacturers to make these models available to integrators.
General lighting, automotive lighting…
As a Europena consortium, the objective is to develop a standardized method to create multi-domain (thermal-optical-electrical) LED based design and simulation tools for the solid-state lighting industry.
Performed services
- Characterization of about 100 different LED packages : High power, mid-power, CoB…
- Test results intercomparison between 5 european labs.
- Design, assembly and characterization of several luminaire prototypes developped using a brand new physical model of Cree XPG3 LED package.
- Dissemination of project outcome to professional and general public.