> 2020 november : PISEO published a new report ” IRay T3S thermal camera performance analysis”.
In the current context of health crisis due to the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19), the demand of Elevated Surface Temperature (EST) measurements has skyrocketed. Indeed, such systems could mitigate spread by detecting people with symptoms (fever).
Therefore, the market for infra-red thermal imaging cameras and modules is expanding at a rapid pace.
This technical report, which, to Piséo’s knowledge, is a first time ever providing independent, accurate and detailed performance data.
It relies on robust and comprehensive test protocols and thorough analyses of the test results: usability, responsivity, NETD, scene dynamic, operability…

Thermal camera : test protocols and findings
Firstly, PISEO looked into the technical characteristics of the camera. The experts analyzed the functions offered by extensive use testing.
Secondly, thanks to System Plus Consulting’s reverse engineering analysis of the T3S camera, we have been able to accurately determine the microbolometer characteristics and camera construction. This first was essential to carry out the performance tests.

Indeed, for the latter, we have developed its own test protocols and software interfaces. Through proper connection with and use of the camera, this has enabled us to gather data at sensor pixel level at various temperatures.
By using our own stabilized HGH black body, climate chamber and specific protocols and software PISEO’s team was able to perform numerous tests at various temperatures ranging from -20°C (-4°F) to 100°C (212°F).

By doing so we have been able to compare the rated data displayed in the iRay datasheet with their own test results.

Thermal camera: more reports to come
More reports will come soon which will allow fair product features and performances comparisons: Flir, Seek Thermal, Guide, HIK Vision… cameras and modules.
PISEO has participated in the publication of other reports, notably with its partner YOLE DEVELOPPEMENT, the market research and strategy consulting company.
Other reports by Yole Développement :
Cameras and Computing for Surveillance and Security 2020
Thermal Imagers and Detectors 2020
Smartphone Camera Module Comparison 2020 Vol 2: Focus on Samsung
Media Contacts
Sandrine LEROY, Director, Public Relations
Marion BARRIER, Officer, Public Relations