Optical imaging laboratory
Equipped with all the necessary equipment, PISEO’s optical measurement experts allow you to test all stages of the optical chain of imaging systems (sensors, lenses, camera modules and displays) operating in the visible and infrared.
Performed with precision and with great rigor, these characterizations allow you to guarantee image quality in line with your needs, whatever your fields of application: automotive, medical, defence, space, industry, environment, general public, etc.
- Geometric distortions
- Signal to noise ratio
- Depth of field and field of view
- Sharpness
- Luminance, uniformity and contrast
- Colorimetry, gamut
- Dark current
- …
- IMATEST v22.1 image quality analysis software
- Standard targets made according to ISO 12233 standard
- Direct lighting or standard D65 or D50 backlighting
- Westboro Photonics 12 Mpx Luminancemetry Camera
- Instrument Systems CAS 140D spectroradiometer calibrated under accreditation
- Konica Minolta CL200A luxmeter
- Thorlabs PM120D power meter
- HGH black body
- Binder MK115 climatic chamber

- ISO 9241-305
- ISO 12233
- ISO 13406-2
- ISO 14524
- ISO 15008
- ISO 16505
- IEC 63145-20-20
- Regulation R46
- IEC 62471
- ISO 8600-1
- ISO 8600-3
- ISO 15739
- …