EFI Lighting, a subsidiary of automotive supplier EFI Automotive, has asked PISEO to support the industrial development of large luminous surfaces made from woven optical fibers. The high performance requirements (luminance and uniformity control) required the development of specific LED modules and optical couplers for each purpose.

- Definition of the performances to reach according to use cases requirements (intensities, luminances, uniformity, colorimetry, efficiency, reliability, cost)
- Study and specification of LED modules (choice of LEDs, PCB, driver, management thermal, optical coupling) related to different use cases.
- Design of different injected and Ag vacuum metallized optical couplers with ZEMAX.
- Characterization of the performance of LEDs and complete lighting systems using the 50cm integrating sphere equipped with an Instrument System CAS 140 CT spectroradiometer and the PISEO Westboro Photonics PF501A luminance camera