Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is included in the part of the light spectrum ranging from 200nm to 380nm. They are more energetic than the radiation emitted in the visible. Also, depending on the wavelength used, their applications can be very varied: disinfection, polymerization, tanning …
However, these rays are dangerous for the human body and can deteriorate materials. It is therefore necessary to have a good understanding of UV radiation by carrying out measurements on the light sources and devices that integrate them.

Radiometric measurements carried out in a reliable and impartial manner thus make it possible to know precisely the radiation emitted and to determine the performance of devices operating in the UV.
In this context, the PISEO lab offers the following radiometric measurements and analyzes:
– measurement of the UV-A, UV-B and UV-C spectrum
– irradiance measurement (Wopt / cm2) on a surface at a given distance of 250nm to 380nm
– mapping of irradiance on a surface at different distances
– calculation of energy doses (J / cm2) at a given distance and time
Equipments :
– UV-C power probe and optometer Gigahertz optik (UV-3726-4 / X1-1 V-02): 250nm-290nm
– CAS 140D Instrument System spectroradiometer: 300nm-1100nm
– OST 300 Everfine radiometric bench: 200nm-1600nm

Following the exceptional crisis linked to the appearance of Covid-19 (Coronavirus), disinfection to fight contagion has become a real subject. Moreover, UV-C radiation can destroy this virus, just like other coronaviruses.
Thus, PISEO has published a report providing a complete description of the UV-C LED technology, its implementation in systems, market and much more.
PISEO experts present in particular:
– an analysis of the offer of UV-C LED manufacturers,
– the performance and price evolution prospects of these light sources,
-the methodology to be followed to design and qualify efficient disinfection devices,
-a deep analysis of the applicable regulations,
-an analysis of the application needs expressed in terms of doses to be applied according to the microorganisms to be destroyed.