The assessment of the photobiological risk (NF EN62471 & IECTR 62778) of light sources and devices using them is one of the mandatory requirements imposed by the European Commission to ensure the safety of products and people. Required by various European directives, the assessment of photobiological risk is part of the CE marking of products marketed in Europe.
All products are concerned: lighting, toys, medical devices, etc.
Manufacturers and marketers of products integrating light sources must therefore assess the level of associated risk according to standard NF EN 62471 and, where applicable, taking into account the additional requirements of IEC TR 62778 for lighting devices. LED lighting.
The safety standards for luminaires, LED modules and LED lamps refer to this last document for the assessment of the risk to blue light.
The protocol implemented by PISEO complies with the NF EN 62471 standard. This allows the classification of the product studied according to 4 risk groups ranging from 0 to 3 for lighting devices but also LED optical systems.
The term “photobiological hazard” refers to the potential of LED light to injure the eye, particularly at the extreme ends of the visible spectrum.
On the blue end of the visible spectrum, the risks are with UV light, while on the red side it will be more with infrared light.
Several criteria are taken into account for the measurement result and in particular those concerning the risks for the skin and the eyes: exposure of the skin, exposure of the surface of the eye (cornea, conjunctiva and lenses), as well as the exposure of the retina in the posterior part of the eye.

EVERFINE OST-300 radiometric bench
The measurements are carried out on a radiometric measurement bench entirely dedicated to photobiological risk assessment.
This bench can perform all the measurements required by the NF EN62471 and IEC TR62778 standards for ultraviolet, visible and infrared radiation.
PISÉO has chosen to work only with state-of-the-art equipment whose manufacturers enjoy worldwide renown.
Our measuring equipment is frequently calibrated, checked and calibrated. In addition, they are implemented by qualified operators in a controlled environment (temperature, humidity, etc.). All of these parameters together ensure correct and reliable test results.
As part of the accreditation, the bench is calibrated using standard light sources connected to the International System.
Evolution in the assessment of photobiological risk with the IEC 62471-7 standard
The IEC 62471-7 standard evolves the risk assessment method for lighting fixtures by providing a different classification from the IEC 62471:2006 standard. It concerns light sources emitting in the visible and will eventually replace IEC TR 62778 which is of regulatory application within the framework of the IEC 60598-1 safety standard. PISÉO dedicates a complete article to this subject.